Saturday, December 29, 2007

Skinny Santas?

"Skinny Santas?" an editorial found in the Los Angeles Times on December 24, 2007, explains how the British are beginning to 'notice' how Santa's paunchiness is said to be a "health hazard" setting bad examples of obesity. "It's not possible for one man to eat 5 billion or so sugar cookies on the night before Christmas and be anything but a butterball." By eating so many cookies on Christmas Eve, there is no doubt that Santa is 'obese', yet that does not make Santa responsible for the obesity arising in England. The editorial states that Santa is highly promoting Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, which may not only lead to a large amount of Britain's population to become obese, but also to suffer from several different health issues. To try to prevent this from happening, Britain's malls and shops have demanded to have slim Santa's appear at their sites. It is said that if slim Santas continue, Christmas time will perhaps soon begin bringing buff Santa's and Santas with six-pack abs. Britain's emporiums seem to be so serious about slimming their Santa's, that shopping centers have even begun sending their Santa's to santa boot camp if the excess weight cannot be lost on its own. "Skinny Santa's" finally says that it just may be that Britain is beginning to catch up on some of our(the US/American's)bad eating habits;causing unwanted burden on our bodies-and Santa should not be blamed.

Tone: Humorous

Question: If this Santa idea continues, will it spread to the US and next year, find ourselves waiting for 'hot' santas to arrive and workout with body building weights instead of eating our high calorie cookies and drinking a glass of milk?
How is it that England chose Santa as their cause for obesity?

Want to read the article yourself? Click Below!,0,6003216.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials


Selene Millan said...

tee-hee raji waji used the same article! lol
i think we wont be persuaded if the message comes here. the image of santa is deeply engraved in the minds of kids here, so i dont think it'll make that much difference.

Mrs. Petrelli said... Santa is setting a bad example just because he is fat?! Its not his darn fault! well, i said this in raji-waji's blog and i'll say it again ;) if people are stupid enough to be influenced by santa's image, theat's pretty dumb. i dont think people over here will become influenced by the little red man. :) its not a big deal. its not like we're ALL gonna get fat just because we see a fat Santa. however, i kind of understand what they're trying to say. nice article, kimmy cub!

Mrs. Petrelli :P

Teni Ayo-Ariyo said...

First of all, i highly doubt that any kid really looks up to santa enough to "wanna be fat just like santa", therefore changing santas image and making santas all over the world skinnier will not prompt children to excercise or eat healthier, and might instead cause obese children who already have low self esteem to look down on themselves more, for the simple fact that "santa doesn’t like fat kids”. Secondly, creating a “skinny santa” will more than likely cause kids to doubt the existence of santa at an earlier age, afterall… It's not possible for one man to eat 5 billion or so sugar cookies on the night before Christmas and be anything but a butterball."

hookedonphonics said...

yo whats going on in the world now days SANTA NOT IS FAT!!! he big boned but 4real this is crazy its not like kids grow up wanting to be santa the appications would crazy he only works once a day and gets payed in cookies & coco cola. people now days think they are health concous but there not fastfood is everywhere ( u saw how crazy people were actin when they thought burger king didnt make whoppers anymore) if people are stupid enough to be influenced by santa's image, theat's pretty dumb.

Actor in Training said...

This article is humorous. If the skinny santa idea was to come over to the U.S. it may or may not influence us to adopt the idea. A lot of kids can easily recognize santa and his belly, but I think that they would be just as happy sitting on a skinny santa's lap. I don't believe that the image of santa is the problem for obeisity.

akela=king115 said...